Get ready.

Have YOU wanted to create the perfect cut-out sugar cookie but you’re overwhelmed at the thought of prepping, mixing the dough, baking etc? No worries…I’ve got you covered! Let’s start simple with a Baking Ingredients & Supply Checklist! I’ve curated a guide to get you started! Gather those ingredients & supplies, sit back and wait to see what’s coming next!!

Stay Tuned: My Digital Course Expected Release date Feb 2024. First up:

“From Batter to Beautiful: The Posy Cottage Method to Crafting the Perfect Cut-Out Sugar Cookie”

Creating beautiful cookies is a process! Let’s start with the basics…

I’ve had many of you ask me questions on the baking process for my cookies over the past year. I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be creating this digital course for you to learn to master the skills of baking the perfect cut-out sugar cookie! Also in the works: Icing consistency class as well as decorating classes online! Also, don’t you worry…my in-person classes aren’t going anywhere! We will continue to decorate together monthly because it’s just wayy too much fun! I look forward to your feedback and continuing to teach you!